The Regional Petroleum Collaboratives are state-led initiatives intended to enhance regional fuel planning and response among State Energy Offices’ and State Emergency Agencies’, through the development of catastrophic fuel response frameworks and consistent regional engagement. NASEO and NEMA, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER), have supported the development of Regional Petroleum Response Collaboratives in the Midwest, Southeast, and West. The Midwest, Southeast, and West Collaboratives are the first official working group in their respective regions comprised of critical public sector players (e.g. State Energy Offices, State Emergency Management agencies, and federal partners) in the energy-emergency management nexus with the unique task of regional catastrophic fuel planning. 

The Regional Petroleum Response Collaboratives meet on a quarterly basis during steady state to provide member states an opportunity for peer-sharing and information exchange. During these calls, planning developments, lessons learned, preparedness activities, training, state exercises, and points of coordination are discussed, along with other topics of interest to the group. Member states benefit from deliberate examination, dissection, and cross-referencing of existing state and regional response plans, concepts, and annexes, and leverage peer expertise to improve respective state emergency fuel plans while working toward regional coordination. During a fuel supply disruption, these regional collaboratives can leverage their established network of trusted state collaborators and industry partners for situational awareness and response. 

If you have any additional questions about the Regional Petroleum Response Collaboratives, please reach out to Campbell Delahoyde ( and Sarah Trent (